Why do we really worry about US H1B regulations?

 Whenever there is any news circulating of US tightening its H1B visa norms, we seem to be feeling much pain and heartburn. NAASCOM especially routinely issues statements as to how these tightening will be bad for the US sometimes making one wonder does this really warrant that much attention than it should. Why should we not see this in a positive light for India??

Some light years ago, towards the end of the dot com bust I happened to land in US (New Jersey to be precise); the times then can be considered similar to what the current pandemic situation is right now where jobs are being taken away from people, so the country shout it worry about its naturalized citizens and green card holders first or looking after the plight of H1B visa holders. I arrived at this perspective during my stay there and realized that I have better opportunities in my own country and the long and short of the story is within 4 months I convinced the consulting company which sponsored my visa to send me back to India and from how things have fared nearly two decades further ( well not that well off but not bad either :)) I don’t regret my decision.

I believe that if anything the US decision could be a great boon for our country in the long term despite some short term impacts like less remittance of US dollars, unemployment increase due to coming back of affected people and whatever. This could allow us to look inward and try to make the quality of living and working in the country akin to par with the standards of a developed country, improving the infrastructure, health facilities, education with the added advantage that instead of people looking for greener pastures outside of the country, we welcome persons from other countries to come and work with us and as my experience suggests that they would be quite delighted to come and work in India. 

I can cite example of founders of bankbazaar.com who quit US and came here and pioneered a concept that caught up with us. So similarly affected people by the US H1B decision could cumulatively come together and put their experience in doing something good for the country, with government aid and support, might be like adopting a village and modernizing it retaining its sanctity but improving the lot of the people setting an example of a model village fit for living and working with automation wherever possible which can be then replicated pan India. 

So for people who are thinking about their future in US I would suggest not to fret. Your country is always there for you and needs you to make her considerable as a developed nation.


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